Benefits for teachers and schools

Practising Science can reconnect teachers with the thrill of ‘doing science’ and can make the job of teaching more rewarding, when they experienced students’ engagement in the enquiry projects.

The course will appeal especially to any teachers who were previously scientists, or those who are frustrated by having to ‘deliver content’ for exams, and would jump at the chance the opportunity to explore the applications of science and enquiry-based learning.

For the school, a key benefit of Practising Science is how it enhances STEM careers provision. Students with practical ability often miss out on the chance of an engineering career because they didn’t know what engineering is like. The course gives them direct experience of different engineering fields, and can covers almost all of the Gatsby career benchmarks.

Practising Science has several other benefits for the school

  • a strategy towards the aim of fostering independent thinkers and problem-solvers
  • aligns with the likely evolution of the National Curriculum, towards skills for a technology-dominated world
  • it could improve students’ grades in Combined Science GCSE