Project Qualification links
These links to Awarding Body websites provide details on HPQ and EPQ, guidance on teaching and assessment, example projects, and training provided.
HPQ specifications
OxfordAQA International GCSE Plus An add-on project component for Y9-11 students outside the UK, similar to but smaller than the AQA HPQ.
HPQ assessment
AQA guidance notes how to complete the candidate record form, production log and assessment record
AQA candidate record form (2026) to be submitted with the project, including the production log and assessment record
Pearson candidate record sheet and completed example or recording marks, and requirements of other items to be submitted
Pearson project proposal form which students complete before they start an investigation, part of the submitted evidence
Pearson project activity log which students complete to record the process of their product, part of the submitted evidence
Assessment and submission guidance for more details about the evidence students need to provide
Assessment criteria for information about how to mark students' projects
HPQ guidance
AQA guide to all their project qualifications explaining the roles of personal, EPQ delivery, and how to carry out science and engineering projects.
Pearson teacher's guide to HPQ with official information about course structure and delivery, evidence requirements, moderation and project forms.
Pearson student guide to HPQ to show students what's involved and encourage them to take a Project Qualification.
HPQ project examples
Example essay on Covid
Example essay and here's another one Essays to give a feel for what students will produce
HPQ-level project Example of a project and here's another one - a zip file containing project proposal, main project report, marking and examiner's commentary and activity log.
FPQ-level project Example of a project gaining low marks - a zip file containing project proposal, main project report, marking and examiner's commentary and activity log.
Impact of black history HPQ programme Video from Pearson
EPQ specifications
Pearson EPQ Unit 1: Dissertation Specification Details of what students have to produce and marking guidance
Pearson EPQ Unit 2: Investigation/Field Study Details of what students have to produce and marking guidance
Pearson EPQ Unit 4: Artefact Details of what students have to produce and marking guidance
EPQ guidance
Extending into the future Oxford AQA report on how EPQ helps success at school, university and in the careers of tomorrow
AQA assess the Project Qualifications Describes the evidence, and internal standardisation, marking and moderation processes
AQA record form, production log and assessment record Completed example of the assessment evidence, and student forms needed for EPQ
AQA working with a mentor describes the role, how they can support the project, and limits for the support
Teacher's guide to EPQ gives official information about the structure and delivery of the qualifications, evidence requirements, moderation and project forms
Student guide to EPQ shows students what's involved and encourage them to take Project Qualifications.
Science EPQ marking Guidance for assessing a project on AO1-AO4 for a science investigation from Pearson.
Getting ready to mark EPQ A video from Pearson
EPQ Project proposal form A completed version for Pearson EPQ.
Deliver and Assess EPQ unit 1: Dissertation project A video from Pearson
Deliver and Assess EPQ unit 2: Investigation project A video from Pearson
Deliver and Assess EPQ unit 4: Artefact project A video from Pearson
Extended Project Student Guide: Investigation and here's a guided example Pearson guides to the process of doing an EPQ investigation, such as a a science investigation.
Practical guide to extended science projects Wellcome detailed guidance on doing a science investigation, including ethics.
AQA quick guide to practical science projects Awarding Body information and links to supporting organisations.
OCR guide to science-based projects gives examples of possible independent projects based on investigations, artefacts and events.
Science-based EPQs A video of students and teachers discussing their EPQ pathway in climate and sustainability.
Recomending EPQ science projects, Benefits of EPQ Video of students and teachers describing the skills benefits.
Case studies on practical, extended investigations York University reports with examples, and challenges involved
EPQ project examples
Pearson science investigation project and this one - a zip file containing project proposal, main project report, marking and examiner's commentary and activity log.
Pearson engineering design project - a zip file containing project proposal, main project report, marking and examiner's commentary and activity log.
Pearson research into an issue project - a zip file containing project proposal, main project report, marking and examiner's commentary and activity log.
OCR science investigation project and this one Examples of project documents and report with assessment comments.
Artefect project Project documents and report with assessment comments.
A* presentation PowerPoint presentation of a high quality project.
Video presentation Video of a student presenting their project.
Support from Awarding Bodies
AQA EPQ Coordinator training e-learning course Face-to-face training on how to deliver the Extended Project for the Level 3 Extended Project Qualification.
AQA EPQ Coordinator training Part two Online follow-up course, to explore best practice.
AQA Project team and an appointed advisor who will support schools.
OxfordAQA website to support its International GCSE Plus