Practising Science
The real aim of science education is to “do useful things with your knowledge and skill", and now not one day. We call this philosophy Practising Science.
An empowering aim like this is the first step to preventing a common fault in curriculum design - working backwards from exminations to what student need to know. This like tends to result in a thin, content-dominated curriculum. Practicing Science asserts taht knowledge matters, but has to be useful. If students don't learn it deeply, and don't get enough opportunity to apply it, then it's largely forgotten after students have left school.
Practising Science may sound rather different to traditional science but it would be familiar to a piano teacher. Music is all about practice - in both the senses of the word:
- practice is actually playing the piano - not just learning how it works like we do in science
- practice is a daily improvement activity - not like science investigations which are tacked on as an extra
Practice is fundamental because the goal is being able to play or perform music. Knowledge and skill are critical but are only components of paying. Practicing Science applies this distinction to the science curriculum.
There are broadly three ways of using science, the like different musical genres:
- Discovery: acting like a scientist, to plan and carry out enquiries
- Design: acting like an engineer, to create, test and evaluate solutions
- Decision-making: acting like a citizen, to reach an informed view about an issue
Hdoes Practising Science influence the design of a science course?
- Exam passing is not the only goal - by the end of the course students should be competent at guided Discovery, Design and Decision-making
- Tests are not the only form of assessment - there should be regular performances, where the challenge increases each year
- Learning objectives integrate the components of performance - concepts, ‘working scientifically’ and transferable skills
- Activities focus on building competence, not just its components
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Practising Science is similar to:
- Authentic learning, where students construct concepts in contexts of real-world problems How People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice
- David Perkins' notion of 'Making Learning whole'.where students engage in 'junior version' of the real discipline, rather than just learning about its component