Project Science @GCSE course
Welcome to Project Science, a new project-based science for students in years 10 and 11 from Mastery Science and Pearson. Its aims is ti increase the number of Combined Science students who go on to choose science post-16. Taking advantage of the Project Qualifications, it offers an alternative pathway to the knowledge-based option of triple science.
Students gain Project Qualifications by carrying out a project in each year of the course. If they submit both for the Higher Project Qualification (HPQ), they will gain the equivalent of an extra science GCSE after two years. Some students will be capable of submitting their second project for the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), and gain the equivalent of half an A Level. Any students who cannot reach the HPQ standard can aim for the Foundation Project Qualification.
Project Science will reshape how students engage with science at GCSE. Instead of mastering content, the focus is to become expert in skills that students need for the future, like critical thinking and problem solving. And unlike the science curriculum, Project Science gives students agency - they get to choose a topic that fascinates them. It can be .
Each year of Project Science comprises two elements:
1) A teaching element to build competence in the scientific practices and transferable skills needed for successful projects
2) A project element where students do either a science investigation, an engineering design project, or research a personal, local or global issue
The course will be available to start in September 2025, with a syllabus, scheme of work and curriculum resources for the teaching and project elements to be published shortly online. Pearson and Mastery Science are inviting schools to take part in a pilot project, to measure the impact of the course. Pilot schools will receive comprehensive support for implementing Project Science:
- Case study resources for the teaching element
- Ready-to go projects across a broad range of themes
- Professional development on setting up and teaching the course, and hands-on experience of the projects